Products and brands

Products and brands

  Word combinations with ‘products’
 catalogue(BrE)<br / >catalog(ArE)
a company’s products, as a group
a company’s products of a particular type
productlifecyclethe stages in the life of a product, and the numbr of poeple who buy it at each stage
 prositioninghow a company would like a product to be seen in relation to its other products, or to competing products
 placementwhen a company pays for its products to be seen in films and TV programmes


Goods can refer to the metarials and components used to make products, or the products that are made.

Here are some examples of these differnet types of goods:

Consumer goods that last a long time, such as cars and washing machines, are consumer durables.

Consumer goods such as food products that sell quickly are fast moving consumer goods, or FMCG.


consumer durable n.

[plural] BrE large things such as cars, televisions, or furniture that you do not buy often

fast moving consumer goods(= FMCG)

BrE goods, especially food, that sell very quickly and in large amounts. They are usually sold in supermarkets

Brands and branding

A brand is a name a company gives to its products so they can be easily recognized. THis may be the name of the company itself: the make of the product. For products like cars, you refer to the make and model, ths particular type of car, for examkple, the Ford(make) Ka(model).

Brand awareness or brand recognition is how much people recognize a brand. The ideas people have about a brand is its brand image. Many companies have a brand manager.

Branding is creating brands and keeping them in customer’s minds through advertising, packaging, etc. A brand should have a clear brand identity so that people think of it in a particular way in relation to other brands.0

A product with the retailer’s own name on it is an own-brand product(BrE) or own-label product(ArE).

Products that are not branded, those that do not have a brand name, are generic products or generics.


brand /brænd/ ★★☆ n.

[countable] a type of product made by a particular company, that has a particular name or design.

What brand of detergent do you use?

brand awareness n. SYN brand recognition

the degree to which people know about a particular brand

Although the company is well known in consumer electronics, it didn’t enjoy much brand awareness in PCs.

brand image n.

the collection of ideas and beliefs that people have aobut a brand

Both BMW and Honda have built their brand images on engineering excellence and high performance.

brand manager n.

someone in a comkpnay responsible for developing and selling one particular brand of product

He joined British Airways as brand manager for Club Europe.

branding /ˈbrændɪŋ/ n.

[uncountable] a parctice that involves a company giving a group of their products the same brand name, helping this name to become well-known

brand identity n.

the different or unique characteristics of a particualr products compares with other products so that it can be easily recognized

own-brand adj.

BrE won brand goods are specially produced and sold by particular shops and have the name of the shop on them SYN AmE own-label(or store brand)

brand name n.

name of a branded goods.

generic product n.

[countable] a product that is sold under the general name for a type of product, rather than a brand name. Many medicines and drugs that you can buy are generic products.

Although R&D spending is soaring, generic products are reducing the profitable life of brand-name drugs.

It is the end of this time : )